

Volunteer/Parent Expectations & Responsibilities

Parents and families of East Wake Academy (EWA) students recognize that educating children is a process that involves partnership between home and school.  Parents, school staff and volunteers help to equip children with the necessary skills for growth and development and provide a safe environment on the EWA campus.  EWA welcomes and encourages parents and family to volunteer and participate fully in the life of our school.

Parents and volunteers are expected to show respect and concern for others by:

  • Supporting the respectful atmosphere of our school by appropriate and courteous speech and behavior towards all members of the school community
  • Working together with teachers and school staff for the benefit of the children.  This includes contacting the appropriate school personnel to resolve issues of concern and to discuss and clarify specific events in order to facilitate a positive solution
  • Respecting instructional hours and minimizing disruptions to classrooms. Schedule a conference or email the teacher to discuss availability.  Classroom disruptions should be kept to a minimum, remaining in the classroom long enough to take care of necessary business only
  • Maintaining quite in hallways and other school areas during instructional hours
  • Respecting the school environment, including keeping the school and school grounds clean
  • Following the parking and carpool rules when delivering and picking up children and/or supplies
  • Refraining from hurtful and destructive gossip about the school, students or fellow families

In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment, the school will not allow:

  • Behavior by anyone that interferes with the safe and productive operation of a classroom, an office area or any other part of the school grounds or school sponsored activities including sports
  • Using loud and/or offensive language or displaying temper
  • Threatening harm or the use of physical aggression towards another adult or any child while on school premises or at school sponsored activities off campus
  • Damaging or destroying school property
  • Abusive or threatening emails, phone or social network messages
  • Smoking and consumption of alcohol or other drugs on school grounds or at school sponsored activities


[gravityform id=3 name=VolunteerInterest Form]

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